Monday 29 April 2013

Mc D's yes....Birdys no!

Recently I read a very disturbing article about a study conducted on 2500 children where 70 percent of them didn't know what is a sparrow. Well, 90 percent recognized McDonalds logo!! 

Yesterday, I asked my three year old daughter where would she like to go for a Sunday outing. Not surprisingly, she wanted to play games in the gaming zone of the mall and eat at Mc Donald's. After we had spent an entire evening at one of the biggest gaming zones in the city and had our fill of burgers and fries, I sat thinking. Why kids these days crave virtual space more than natural space? Why the only association of a spider or a bat is with Spiderman or Batman? Have they ever seen a spider's web or bats hanging upside down on trees?  Surely children are not responsible for this scenario. We as parents want the best for our children  and in that quest, are we leading them to a lifestyle that is restricted only to virtual media? Giving them a PSP, IPAD, TABLETS should not be a substitute for playing in the neighborhood park with friends.  Surely we don't want to raise a generation of  technical junkies who have never seen a butterfly flutter its wings.  As it is rightly said - Books provide information but knowledge comes from experience. Let them discover Mother Nature. Take them to the park to enjoy the birds chirping ,squirrels playing hide and seek and insects creeping and crawling . Let them climb a tree and scrape their knee, let them walk barefoot on the sandy beach and get dirty, let them dive into the pond and get wet. Don't confine their thoughts to a handful of virtual games. Let them be with nature.......Let their imagination take flight and soar higher and higher........!

I take a vow to take my kids to park as often as I take them to you too?- Finger Talkies.

Saturday 27 April 2013

Letting go!

Yesterday, my daughter left for an overnight school trip for five days for the first time. As I stood on the platform waving to her, I was overcome with the sudden feeling of emptiness. Or was it fear...??? My precious one was moving away from the safe heaven of home into the world. Was I scared or merely protective? Can parents be overprotective? Who decides when is the time to send your little ones out there....on their own. I guess it's the gut feeling that comes naturally to a parent. You know when your child is ready...and then you need to let go!
As she walked with her friends with their bags strolling behind...and confidence in their steps....I couldn't help the swell of tears in my eyes nevertheless accompanied by a smile on was time to let her go.....cut the umbilical cord!
Of course we got umpteen assurances from the teachers, saved their numbers,spoke to fellow parents,saved their numbers too......after all as parents we would always lookout for our little ones!! -Finger Talkies.

My Fingers Start Talking........

Believe me when I say that I am not a tech savvy person. My blog owes its birth to my lovely better half. Finger talkies would literally be my fingers talking about my random ponderings.........!!! This is a first for me, I am not a writer or even a great texter....I prefer giving a tinkle to a loved one and hearing their voice somehow soothes me. So bear with my amateurish attempts....Let the fingers start talking!-Finger Talkies