Thursday 6 June 2013

First Day of School.......AGAIN!

The school has reopened after the long summer break. A new session has started. The quiet corridors of the school are suddenly flooded with activity. The new admissions are wandering somewhat lost in the new environment while the old ones hurry around excited to be back in the familiar arena. A newly promoted old one holds my hand too. Promoted from Nursery to Junior Kg :) Around her are flocks of tiny tots who are venturing into the school life for the very first time. With huge bewildered eyes they are looking around , one tiny hand clutching tightly mama's or papa's finger. Tears are rolling down the cheeks at the thought of entering this huge monster of a place with alien faces all around. Anxious parents meanwhile are trying their best to convince the little ones to move from their secure embrace to the guiding hand of the teacher. And as the little one takes the giant leap into the corridors of school, the heart beat quickens on both sides and moist eyes follow them till they disappear into the classrooms. My 'senior' daughter is so composed, so much in control!

Though my kid is well settled into her school life by now (thankfully...), the scene outside the school, on the first day always touches a chord in my heart. In the sweltering heat of June parents brave the 'mob' to reach the gate on the first day of their child's school minutes earlier (which seem hours.....). This ordeal seems worth when your heart swells with pride seeing the shining faces of the students. Achievement of completing the first day of school successfully, clearly reflect in their eyes.

The first day of school is a gentle reminder that through tears and tantrums we have ushered our precious ones into the phase which will shape their whole lives.....Finger Talkies.

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