Saturday 15 June 2013

My daddy strongest!!!

Father, dad, papa.......these words conjure an image of that one person who is our eternal hero.
While mother is the symbol of love, father undoubtedly is the symbol for life. Fathers introduce us to this magnificent world and like a guiding light show us the way to live in it. He is the teacher , mentor, idol, provider, protector and guide. Sometimes knowingly but often unknowingly his everyday deeds with small but valuable teachings hidden in them, shape the person we become.
I am lucky to have a father who believed in me as much as he loved me. Even today, years after his soul has departed for another world, I derive immense comfort in the knowledge that he is up there looking out for me.....his little girl.
As I treasure the memories of one father, I am grateful for the presence of an amazing one- father of my kids, in my life. The way his eyes twinkle when he hugs them, his chest broadens just a little when they are felicitated,the  tranquil peaceful look when he curls up with them and the worry lines which cloud his face when they are unwell. These are all testimony of the eternal love for his children. The ardour with which he teaches them everything from mathematical formulas to teachings of Gita ,is admirable. Like an artist,he moulds carefully, shaping them into individuals they will be one day.
Father's love is a masterpiece of nature that cannot be replicated.--Happy Father's Day!------Finger Talkies.


  1. It has come directly from ur heart! Such sweet note on fathers day..

  2. Thanks Gagan for liking my writing.......:)
