Saturday 15 June 2013

Rain Drops On My Window Pane!!

Come June and the first pitter- patter of raindrops , announce the arrival of monsoons. The first rains so unexpected, yet long awaited, fill the air with joy.
Monsoon is perhaps the most enjoyable of all seasons. Rains perpetually evoke a joyous feeling in both young and old.
During my childhood I had read a fascinating story about raindrops being tears shed by sky. Well, tears or no tears, after the sweltering , smoldering summers,rains are more than welcome.
Every year, monsoons make me nostalgic. One rain drenched evening, fifteen years ago, as the moon played hide and seek with clouds and raindrops tingled  the skin, I started on a life long journey with my life partner. And, since coming to mumbai, four months of cloudy skies and rains have been a sheer bliss.
I love to wake up to the music of raindrops on my windowpane. Often clouds fill up my balcony and sipping a hot cup of tea, I stand in reverence admiring this gift of nature. Many thundering nights, I curl up with my kids dozing off, as the heavy darkness descends.
Heavily laden clouds, floating like cotton candy, envelope the city in a foggy blanket. Amidst the light drizzle and heavy downpour the city takes on the glow of new shiny paint. The otherwise concrete city , now filled with lush greenery is a tonic for sore eyes. The cool breeze and the fragrant wet soil act like a catalyst triggering the taste buds.
Alas, like every good thing ,monsoons also bring few problems. The mushrooming potholes and the endless traffic queues moving at snail's speed are troublesome. Nevertheless, the glory of monsoons overshadows these bumps.
Monsoon is the time for naughtiness and nostalgia , memories and madness, romance and rains, chai and samosas.....savour it.


  1. A very good one .. What I used to cherish about the rain drops on my windrow pane was that i could make various images by joining these train drops ..

  2. Thanks Nishant, I am sure You still must be doing the same with Tavish! :)
