Wednesday 1 May 2013

How much is too much??

A rather funny incident happened today. My dear hubby went to office as usual in the morning, only to find that the office is closed !!! It is a state holiday- Maharashtra day! Though both of us had a good laugh about it but such incidents provoke thoughts like - how much is too much? Mind you even though I am happy to get this unexpected holiday with him but at the same time it made me think about how preoccupied his mind is.
Our parents lived in the golden age of government jobs. They had fixed office timings ,fixed holidays and fixed salaries. Life was simple. They went to office, worked, came back in time for cup of tea, spent time with family and ended the day at a decent time. Pleasures came from small deeds like eating out at the neighborhood eatery or going for a movie. As kids we were happy to get an ice cream on the way back from was big treat! Holidays were spent lazing around with family and idling the time away.
We are living in the world of materialism where there are no limits. No limit to the working hours, no limit to the earnings and no limit to the spendings. The more you earn...the more you spend..the more materialistic you get. Today, we eat at five star hotels, watch movies at multiplexes ,shop high end brands at malls and exercise at premium health clubs. It has become a part of daily special pleasure is drawn out of these things. If the world is progressing ,then how come we can't recall the last memorable dinner or a family outing. I still remember the nukkad dhabha where I had enjoyed numerous meals with family. Surprisingly, my husband still remembers which movie he had seen in which theater as a child. More surprisingly, he forgot that he has a holiday today! There is so much happening every second.....and our minds are so full of it...that we have stopped taking pleasures in small things. Is this what we are heading towards? Is materialism taking place of memories?
How much more do we want ? Where will this materialism stop or will it ever? - Finger Talkies.


  1. Haha I don't know how much is too much, but I know, today my absent minded ness was too much.....

  2. The more we get the more we want..its a whirlpool..

    1. Thanks Mayank, life is a free flowing stream.....we make a whirlpool out of it and get caught!

  3. this is so true. ppl have no time to sit back and enjoy, feel the wind, enjoy a good meal. we r passing movements with the speed of light, having no idea where we r actually headed....:)

    1. Thanks Vishal for your poetic views......sit back and enjoy the gift of life!
