Tuesday 14 May 2013

Kya yehi hai right choice baby..!!?

Life is a maze- a maze full of choices. As you make right choices ,the doors keep opening and you move forward.  But sometimes some choices can get you stuck also. So are they wrong? Is there a right or wrong choice? The choices we make, shape our lives. Ask any successful person the mantra to his success, the most common answer would be- " I made the right choice at the right time." It makes one wonder, did he know he was making the right choice?
At various stages in life, we face numerous choices. Can we be sure that the one we are about to make is the right one? Or do we hope that it turns out to be the right one? Its a risk all of us take all the time. Whether it is the smaller decisions like what to order for dinner or the gigantic ones like whether to quit your job or not. Small or big....our choices shape our lives. Its like giving an examination......we write the answers to the best of our ability .......but only when the result comes out, we come to know whether our answers were right or wrong.
More than often, people stick to the age old path, a tested path believing that its the right choice. An elixir of a fairly normal happy life.
But then, there are those who take the off beaten path-make the unconventional choices. They are the ones whose lives become an inspiration to others. So it is not about making the right or wrong choice, but converting your choices to success. When you put your mind and heart into something and work with perseverance and patience, it is you and your choice...and your dreams!!
Is it the key for someone to say-"I made the right choice at the right time!"-Finger talkies

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