Thursday 2 May 2013

Sharing is caring!

Even experts say that a child has no concept of sharing till the age of 3. When a child starts recognizing his relations and his surroundings, he finds security in the knowledge that they are his parents, his house, his toys and so on. The concept of sharing this with others is alien to him. It is the parents who drill the concept of sharing in their kids as they grow, because it is social etiquette . Sharing is Caring.....we teach our kids . But have we ever thought that this might instill insecurity in them when they can no longer relate to anything solely as their own...everything has to be shared.
An interesting article in today's paper says that the secret of a happy marriage is -- sharing! Share cooking, share cleaning, and share grocery shopping . Really ?? There is a saying A couple who cooks together stays many couples have you seen cooking together?? Well, I have none. Maybe if both are chefs by profession and work in the same restaurant, this might work. Which husband after a tiresome day at office would be thrilled at the prospect of  cooking dinner with his wife. Or for that matter, is a Sunday spent grocery shopping in the overcrowded malls, standing in long queues for billing , considered quality time with your partner? These activities if done once in a while can be fun but expecting your husband to cook or shop with you every time may have the opposite result.
Sharing is good but in limits and certainly not everything can be shared. So, let your kids be possessive about their things, it gives them security. And complete your cooking before your husband arrives home so that both of you can enjoy dinner together. Spend the Sunday lazing around with your family instead of sweating in the crowded markets.
Sharing is caring but take care to share......-Finger talkies.


  1. good one .. I liked the honesty and love for one's spouse

    1. Thanks Nishu......really care for sharing your views:)
