Friday 24 May 2013

Measure of success.......

What is the measure of success? For a baby who just took his first steps,walking 10 steps without falling is a success. For a student getting into his desired college is a success. For an athlete winning the trophy is a success. But what about us .....those who are churning in the daily grind of Is success defined by the wealth amassed or the position achieved in the society? Husbands slog themselves working ungodly hours in the office in the hope of  climbing the corporate ladder. While their better halves are constantly in the race to raise super kids , run a fool proof household and maintaing a page 3 lifestyle. But spare a minute and think .....does this end somewhere? When an assistant manager gets promoted to a manager position , does his ambition end there? No, he then aims for being the general manager. Are we satisfied after we reach a certain lifestyle ? No,we aim higher....So, when this race is never ending what is the motivation to keep on running? Does advancing with each step be termed as a success?
People are often heard saying that you  are successful if you have an x amount of money in the account or you have the latest and trendiest gadgets or you wine and dine with a certain swish set of the society. Is this the measure of  success?
Someone very recently told me that he measures his success with the happiness and contenment of his wife and children. True, that he is a workaholic, has very little time to spend with his family, has no time for his ownself and is a part of this rat race but he knows that he is also the provider of his family and as long as he fulfills their needs and wants he is happy and successful . It is insignificant that today he is at the top of the corporate ladder. He does not measure his success by his position or the car he drives.
 His views completely changed my definition of success. It no longer matters if a certain classmate is a top notch executive or a former collegemate still looks eighteen......this is not the measure of success. I am successful if I know my purpose and am doing a fine job of achieving it.
Happiness and success are directly proportional to each other. I am happy being the nurturer of my
family and their smiles are the measure of my success.---Finger Talkies.


  1. Great writing Bhavna, wish you success!!

  2. I was reading on the same topic few days ago and came across this quote which some what explained the measure of success
    "The true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success."

    1. Thanks Mayank for the wonderful is so true. If only we understood this ,there will be no insecurities.
